Workshops and Classes

Upcoming Workshops

  • Two-Part Class! Becoming A "Good Enough" Adult! September 18 and October 6, 2023


    What if you’re not an imposter, a procrastinator, a fraud, or a bad adult? What if you could begin to learn why you feel this way, and, better yet, find ways to do things differently?! Do you struggle with ADHD-like symptoms?

    In this two-part workshop, we can explore the physical, emotional, and relational mysteries behind our struggles to be a “good enough” adult.

    Studio Evolve 3333 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle 98103

    $155 - Cash, Check or Venmo

    Contact me for sliding-scale information.

    Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothing, we will be moving around!

    In this class, we will:

    Talk Together, about what being an imposter, fraud, or bad adult feels like for us.

    Dip our toes into the physical sensations, histories, and belief systems underneath these feelings.

    Explore the mysteries of sequencing and the joy of engaging in a process.

    Be Together, by experiencing attunement and how it might help us achieve what we want.

    Empower ourselves with real tools for improving our abilities and changing our self regard.

    Participants who are new to SPRE and would like to try a private SPRE session will receive 40% their first visit! A $56 value!

  • Good Things to Come!

  • Good Things to Come!

Venmo Information
